This funding opportunity was posted on the Washington State Department of Commerce website here. All information below has been copy and pasted. 

The Evergreen Manufacturing Growth Grants program is designed to increase the number of manufacturing and research and development jobs in Washington State. The $2 million in grants will be awarded to eligible manufacturing and research and development businesses as well as organizations defined as innovation clusters in the funding application. Each grantee will be eligible for a grant between $200,000 and $400,000.

Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate the availability of capital investment or matching funds to support a significant business expansion or proposed cutting-edge development work. Submissions will be evaluated according to their ability to generate manufacturing and R&D jobs as well as their strategic alignment with the state’s key sectors: aerospace, agriculture, advanced manufacturing, clean technology and renewable energy, creative economy, forest products, information and communications technology, life science, maritime, and defense.

For more information – including more detailed accounts of eligibility and the application process – please review the program documents.

There are two application types available for this program: one for individual businesses and a second for innovation cluster organizations.

Business Applicants are encouraged to contact their local economic development partner, also known as Associate Development Organizations (ADO), to seek support for their application. Commerce will accept business applications via Associate Development Organizations only.  Find the local ADO responsible for your area.

Innovation Clusters are defined as an existing innovation cluster under Commerce’s Innovation Cluster Accelerator or an entity that is proposing a new cluster-related program or project.

Please read and review all materials pertaining to this program if you are considering applying.

For additional questions regarding this program, please contact the program manager.

Radi Simeonova, Managing Director
Phone: 206-256-6114